Source code for sphinx_directives

from docutils.parsers.rst import Directive
from docutils.parsers.rst import directives
from docutils import nodes
from collections import OrderedDict

def setup(app):
    app.add_directive('emva1288', Emva1288Directive)
    return {'version': '0.1'}

[docs]class Emva1288Directive(Directive): """Sphinx directive for EMVA1288 results Process emva blocks to extract information relative to the result, this information includes - section: Section of the emva standard that includes this value - short: Short description of the value - symbol: Latex symbol for the value - unit: Unit of the value - latexname: Name to be used when refering the value inside the latex reports Example ------- :: .. emva1288:: ::Section: spatial :Short: PRNU :Symbol: $PRNU_{1288}$ :Unit: \% :LatexName: PRNU """ has_content = True option_spec = OrderedDict() option_spec['section'] = directives.unchanged_required option_spec['short'] = directives.unchanged_required option_spec['symbol'] = directives.unchanged option_spec['unit'] = directives.unchanged option_spec['latexname'] = directives.unchanged def run(self): idb = nodes.make_id("emva1288-" + self.options['section']) section = nodes.section(ids=[idb]) section += nodes.rubric(text='Emva1288') lst = nodes.bullet_list() for k in self.option_spec.keys(): if k not in self.options: continue item = nodes.list_item() item += nodes.strong(text=k + ':') item += nodes.inline(text=' ' + self.options[k]) lst += item section += lst return [section]