Source code for

# This module contains a generator that generates a descriptor file and the
# corresponding images using the implemented camera.

from import Camera as Cam
from import PointsGenerator
from collections import OrderedDict
import numpy as np
import tempfile
import os
from PIL import Image

def _get_emva_gain(cam):
    """Find the gain to satisfy EMVA1288 requirements"""
    gini = cam.K
    # Find gain with a minum temporal noise of 0.5DN
    g = cam.Ks[0]
    for gain in cam.Ks:
        cam.K = gain
        g = gain
        img1 = cam.grab(0).astype(np.int64)
        img2 = cam.grab(0).astype(np.int64)
        if (img1 - img2).std() > 0.5:
    cam.K = gini
    return g

def _get_emva_blackoffset(cam):
    """Find the blackoffset to satifsfy EMVA1288 requirements"""
    bini = cam.blackoffset
    # Find black offset with a maximum of 0.5% of values at Zero
    bo = cam.blackoffsets[0]
    pixels = cam.width * cam.height
    for i in cam.blackoffsets:
        cam.blackoffset = i
        img = cam.grab(0)
        bo = i
        if np.count_nonzero(img) > pixels * .995:
    cam.blackoffset = bini
    return bo

[docs]class DatasetGenerator: """Dataset generator. Creates a descriptor file and the corresponding linked images for a a exposure variant test example according to the emva1288 standart. The images are created using the implemented camera in the emva module. """
[docs] def __init__(self, steps=100, L=50, version='4.0', image_format='png', # best memory consumption outdir=None, # directory where to save the dataset radiance_min=None, radiance_max=None, exposure_fixed=None, **kwargs ): """Dataset generator init method. The generator uses a :class:`` object to create the operation points. It then grabs the images for these points using a :class:`` simulator object. The camera is intialized according to the given kwargs. Then, after getting the test points, it :meth:`makes <run_test>` the images with it by changing its exposure time, or the radiation and :meth:`saves <save_images>` the images and the descriptor file. Parameters ---------- L : int, optional The number of image taken during a spatial test point. version : str, optional Data version to add in descriptor file. image_format : str, optional The image's format when they are saved. outdir : str, optional The output directory where the descriptor file and the images will be saved. If None, it will create a tempory directory that will be deleted (and its contents) when the dataset generator object is deleted. radiance_min : float, optional Same as in :class:``. radiance_max : float, optional Same as in :class:``. exposure_fixed : float, optional Same as in :class:``. kwargs : All other kwargs are passed to the camera. """ self._steps = steps # number of points to take = Cam(**kwargs) # set the camera parameters for the test = # If no blackoffset/gain are specified find them according to standard if 'blackoffset' not in kwargs: = _get_emva_blackoffset( if 'K' not in kwargs: = _get_emva_gain( # create test points points = PointsGenerator(, radiance_min=radiance_min, radiance_max=radiance_max, exposure_fixed=exposure_fixed, steps=self._steps) self._points = points.points self._L = L # number of images to take for a spatial test self._version = version # data version # store image format self._image_format = image_format # images will be saved one at a time during the generation into outdir self.outdir = outdir # create temporary directory to store the dataset if outdir is None: self.tempdir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() self.outdir = # create dir where images will be saved os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.outdir, 'images')) # run test self._descriptor_path = self.run_test()
@property def points(self): """The test points suite.""" return self._points @property def descriptor_path(self): """The absolute path to the descriptor file.""" return self._descriptor_path def _is_point_spatial_test(self, i): """Check if a point index should be a spatial test. Spatial points are done at midpoint of bright and dark series. """ v = self._steps // 2 if i in (v, self._steps + v): return True return False def _get_descriptor_line(self, exposure, radiance): """Create the line introducing a test point images in descriptor.""" if np.mean(radiance) == 0.0: # dark image return "d %.1f" % exposure # bright image # round photons count to three decimals return "b %.1f %.3f" % (exposure, np.round(np.sum(, axis=2).mean(), 3)) def _get_image_names(self, number, L): """Create an image filename.""" names = [] for l in range(L): names.append("img_%04d.%s" % (number, self._image_format)) number += 1 return names, number def _get_imgs(self, radiance, L): """Create a list of image from the given radiances. """ # computes an array of dict whose keys are the name of the file # and the data of the image to save imgs = [] for l in range(L): imgs.append( return imgs
[docs] def run_test(self): """Run the test points, save the images and generate descriptor.""" descriptor_text = OrderedDict() image_number = 0 # descriptor file path path = os.path.join(self.outdir, "EMVA1288descriptor.txt") # open descriptor file to write images in it with open(path, "w") as f: # write version f.write("v %s\n" % self._version) # wtite camera's properties f.write("n %i %i %i\n" % (,, for kind in ('temporal', 'spatial'): # number of image to take L = 2 if kind == 'spatial': L = self._L for texp, radiances in self.points[kind].items(): # set camera = texp # Grab all images for these radiances for radiance in radiances: # Get descriptor line introducting the images f.write("%s\n" % self._get_descriptor_line(texp, radiance)) for l in range(L): # grab img = # write the name in descriptor name = "image%i.%s" % (image_number, self._image_format) f.write("i images\\%s\n" % name) image_number += 1 # save image self.save_image(img, name) # return descriptor path return path
[docs] def save_image(self, img, name): """Save the image. """ # save the images contained in d dtype = np.uint32 mode = 'I' if <= 8: # 8 bit images have special format for PIL dtype = np.uint8 mode = 'L' im = Image.fromarray(img.astype(dtype), mode) path = os.path.join(self.outdir, 'images', name) # (filename already contains image format)
# erase image from dict to reduce memory consuption